SwissPropTech Roundtable

We invite you to an exclusive exchange of experiences followed by networking and a flying dinner among SwissPropTech Enterprise Members
About the Event
The SwissPropTech Enterprise Roundtable is an exclusive exchange of experiences among SwissPropTech Enterprise Members. First we have a short member presentation, followed by a group discussion and a flying dinner with networking.

Benefit from an intimate discussion among peers and colleagues!
Feb 23, 2023
OdA Gesundheit Zürich (Green City)
Maneggstrasse 37
8041 Zürich
Room Aula Kapstadt
Enterprise Members

Free of charge
The Topic
How to reduce your carbon footprint and become more sustainable as a SwissPropTech
Enterprise Member
Our Speakers
  • Lennart Rogenhofer
    Chief Climate Officer
    Losinger Marazzi
  • Harald Schrödl
    Leiter Marketing & Research
    Losinger Marazzi
  • Lars Sommerer
    Managing Director
Feb 23, 2023
17.00 - 17.45
17.00 - 17.45
Tour of Green City (optional)
Please check box below if you want to attend the tour of Green City
17.30 - 17.45
17.30 - 17.45
Arrival of Guests
Meeting Point is OdA Gesundheit (see map above)
17.45 - 17.50
17.45 - 17.50
Lars Sommerer
Opening remarks, introduction of guests and speaker and SwissPropTech highlights so far
17.50 - 18.15
17.50 - 18.15
Introduction by Losinger Marazzi, our host
Lennart Rogenhofer, Chief Climate Officer
Harald Schrödl, Leiter Marketing & Research
How to reduce your carbon footprint and become more sustainable as an Enterprise Member
18.15 - 19.00
18.15 - 19.00
Discussion and exchange of experiences
Lars Sommerer
Moderated discussion about how to work with PropTechs, share your experience and your insights into this evolving field
19.00 - 20.00
19.00 - 20.00
Flying Dinner
All Guests
Reflect, engage and enjoy some good food along the way
Sign up now and save your spot!
Tour of Green City